DART IV at Binghamton University (11/09/2024)

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DART IV at Binghamton University (11/09/2024)

Post by dericmw »

The Binghamton University Quiz Bowl Team is pleased to announce that we will be hosting the Upstate New York mirror of DART IV on Saturday, November 9th, 2024.

The tournament will take place in the Classroom Wing, 4400 Vestal Parkway E, Binghamton, NY, 13902. A map of the Binghamton University campus can be found here. The opening meeting will begin at 8:45am and gameplay will start at 9:00am. I, Deric Wagner, will be the tournament director.

Rules & Eligibility
This tournament will follow standard collegiate gameplay rules with the inclusion of powermarks. The tournament is open to all ACF eligible players, but as a 1.5-dot set we reserve the right to determine if a player is too skilled to play, and adjust teams accordingly, in order to preserve competitive integrity. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions regarding eligibility to play.

Fill out the registration form found here. Please register by November 3rd, 2024.

  • Base fee: $120
  • Shorthanded discount (1–2 players): −$50
  • Travel discount: −$10 per 200 miles traveled one-way.
  • Buzzers: −$10 per functional buzzer system.
  • Staffers: −$15 per staffer with a functional laptop.
  • Minimum fee: $60
The preferred payment method is by check, made out to the "Binghamton University Student Association Inc." with “Quiz Bowl #4645” in the memo. Payment will also be accepted via cash, and online through Zeffy.

Questions & Additional Info
If you have any questions, concerns, or requests for accommodations regarding the tournament, you can email [email protected] and [email protected], or reach out on any other platform as well.

The field cap currently stands at 10 teams.

We look forward to welcoming everyone to Binghamton on November 9th!
Deric Wagner
George W. Hewlett High School '21
Binghamton University '24, MBA '25
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