Auburn Quiz Bowl Tournament

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Auburn Quiz Bowl Tournament

Post by osbornrj »

Cross-posted from the Alabama Quiz Bowl 2024-25 thread:

2024 Auburn Quiz Bowl Tournament
Date: Oct. 26, 2024
Type: Regular Season
Level: Varsity (9-12) for novice teams
Question Set: CYBER #1A, for more info visit viewtopic.php?t=27220
Location: Auburn University Mell Classroom Building
Host: Auburn University Rocketry Association
Contact: Blake Melnick, [email protected]
Cap: 12 teams
Fee: $60 per team, $40 per additional team
Early Registration Discount: -$10 (before September 30th)
Buzzer Discount: -$10 per buzzer set
***Pizza Lunch included***

Registration link:

Teams will compete against opposing schools for approximately five matches during the morning session. During the lunch break, the Auburn Rocketry Association will provide pizza, do a demonstration and activity with the teams, as well as show off their projects for the year. After lunch ALL teams will compete in two "playoff" matches to establish a victor.

NAQT rules will be used, with the following exceptions:
1) Each team is limited to a maximum of 6 players.
2) Matches are not timed.
3) On bonuses, moderators will only accept answers from the team captain, unless the team captain tells the moderator they want to defer to one of their teammates.

NOTE: If anyone on your current team played in last year's Sentinel Invitational or any other tournament that used the CYBER #1A set, you are not eligible to participate in this tournament. The only place where this set was played in Alabama was the Sentinel Invitational at ASCTE.
Robin Osborne
Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering (Head Coach)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Greater Huntsville Section (Associate Fellow)
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