New team specialization question

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New team specialization question

Post by Realdeo »

(note. If this in the wrong category, just move the thread)
My name is deo. I'm currently on a English quiz bowl. We're a team of 4 and make it to City level after winning through a close call. Before you shocked of how weird and different of Jakarta English quiz bowl, those match are divided into 3 rounds. (yes, make sure you don,t get heart attack because so different style)
First round, 20 questions.
It,s typically a 20 questions, but instead of 20 question limit, you get 2 minute limit. There questions
Second round, whisper round
You got it! 4 sentences to be whispered
Third round, on the buzzer
This when the fun come. 4 pyramidal who/what/where am I question. Incorrect answer ( that means, even though the question finished, you still penalized if you are wrong). 100 for correct.

The topic that the quiz bowl stressed on is
Science, sport, entertainment ( hey! you say this is English right. In Indonesia, English quiz bowl means the question is in English. The topic can be anything)

What we need is strategy. We are lack of it
Q1. What about specialization, do we just need everybody superior of everything or specialize on person on different thing? No offense, but I,m the captain. They think I superior of everything and they don't. So they think they just filler to make the team consisted of 4. But they still do well and they are organized. But in don't say anything in fact! Thankfully, they're just bunch of friends who say something and then forget it. :) The team consisted of me (9th) . Brothers(9th and 7 th) and a strategical boy (7th)
Q2. Which round or category do you think, need we need to aware with. Last time on pre-city level competition, we stumped on 20 question. The only one we can guess is a question about entertainment ( and the word is twilight breaking down) . We done good on whisper round, sweeping 32o points out of 400. On the buzzer round, we answer 3 questions correct. We failed on a question about a lab-thingy burner and a question about the Simpsons.

Thank you. I will need your suggestion.
Kerenza Doxolodeo
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